misuse of the term literally

Joe Biden's literally indefensible word - ComPost - The Washington.
Mar 16, 2013. FORT BLISS, TEXAS – Major Sean O'Sullivan, the new executive officer of 1-42 Air Defense Artillery Battalion, has made it his primary mission.
Oct 25, 2011. Frequently misused words: irony, ironic, ironically →. With literally, people are changing the meaning from in a literal sense to figuratively.
Sep 7, 2012. Grammar Girl Mignon Fogarty weighs in on Joe Biden's liberal use of the word literally. She says in most cases, the Vice President used the.
misuse of the term literally
Correctly using the word "literally" - All is Brawl.
Jan 2, 2013. Somehow, these two terms get mixed up in people's brains (and to be fair, this has been going on for centuries–the word “literally” is misused in.
word usage - How common is the misuse of "literally" to mean.
Misuse of words: Literally going on for decades | The Economist.
Is “ironic” - The Hot Word - Dictionary.com.
Joe Biden Speech: Vice President Misuses The Word Literally (VIDEO).